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Simulation and Scientific Support Advisor for Oil Spill Contingency

This project utilizes Oilmap, combining with both field and predicted marine environmental data, to simulate oil spill scenarios as a support for EPA to execute oil spill response. The mission is running 24 hours a day and seven days a week to ensure the effectiveness of response to oil spill contingency. A standard operation procedure (SOP) has been setup for making use of Oilmap to do oil spill simulation. A training course on oil spill simulation with hands-on practice has been delivered to the oil spill responders to enhance the efficiency of oil spill response. The procedures for integrating oil spill simulation software-Oilmap, current simulation software-Hydromap, monitored field current data in the coastal ocean of Taiwan-CODAR and detection of spilled oil system-Oill Spill Detection(OSD) have been setup to promote the precision and effectiveness of oil spill detection and simulation for an oil spilled event which in turn well-support decision making in oil spill response measures. Collection of existing oil spill contingency response information from USA, Europe, Japan and China to draft the scientific support platform for the need of oil spill contingency response in Taiwan. Also, inviting experts from the USA and Asian countries to an international workshop on marine pollution prevention, hosted by EPA and participating in international oil spill science program to learn the state of the arts in this field have enhanced the international exchange of marine science and technology between Taiwan and other countries.
Oil Spill Simulation;Oil Spill Detection;Oil Spill Contingency Response;Scientific Support Platform